Paraty • Paraty
Cooperation and originality by local Paraty artisans
As a facility for exhibiting and marketing the work of the Associação de Artesãos e Artistas Plásticos de Paraty – AARPA members, the organization currently has 27 enrolled artisans from the region. All of them have their creations on show and contribute with a symbolic monthly fee, besides 25% for maintenance from the sale of each item.
The Association embraces an ample variety of items in different styles and techniques. Prices are varied, with goods that may cost R$ 1 only (refrigerator magnets) to sculptures of richly painted wooden saints that could be worth as much as R$ 6000.
Albeit associates, member artists may also display their creations in the small handicrafts fair held on Saturdays at Largo do Rosário, from 4 pm to 10 pm. The stalls on loan from the local Secretary of Culture reflect an immense variety, and artists who wish participate in the fair only do not need to be AARPA associates. They should simply have their handicraft production evaluated.
- from 10 am to 10 pm daily
- various prices – as of R$ 1.00
- On foot
- Tennis Shoes
(24) 99915-9291 (Adriana)
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