Ministério da Cultura and Ampla present :

Guia Cultural da Costa Verde

Artistic Expressions

Mangaratiba • Conceição de Jacareí


A representative of his roots, with great honor

Visual artist Messias Neiva can take pride in his 89 years of age by having left his mark and contribution to the world of arts. Born in a simple family, Messias traveled throughout the world but chose the sleepy district of Conceição de Jacareí, in Mangaratiba to establish his studio and live with his family.

His name is included in an entry in the Dicionário dos Artistas Plásticos Brasileiros. His career includes international exhibitions in Japan and in the United States, in Atlanta and New York. In this latter city, he held a university lecture and was given a thank-you letter for his contribution to US culture. He also exhibited his art in Paris and Trèbes, where the mayor awarded him with the city’s Merit Medal. In Brazil, his works are exhibited in several important venues such as the National Congress and the Ivory Coast Embassy, both in Brasilia, and in Clube Costa Brava and Copacabana Palace Hotel, in Rio de Janeiro.

Messias Neiva never let fame go to his head and always remained plain and simple. He is said to take pride in being black, Brazilian and from the town of Mangaratiba, which always made him feel welcome. He has given drawing and painting lessons, as well as held exhibitions there, at Fundação Mário Peixoto. In 2014, he felt highly honored on being told of the creation of Salão Nacional Messias Neiva de Artes Visuais by this Foundation, to award rising talents.

He does not paint at present owing to eyesight problems. However, his natural sensitivity has led him to poetry, to which he has been dedicating himself diligently. He has already organized a poetry collection and is currently writing Anjo Dourado, a book in honor of a young lady he met in 1940.

Messias Neiva loves receiving visitors and his studio in Conceição de Jacareí has its doors open to anyone who schedules a visit. In addition to viewing several of the paintings on exhibition there, visitors will be greatly pleased to speak with the artist, who conveys many lessons by means of his natural attitude and extreme wisdom.

  • Schedule meeting or visit studio
  • Various prices
  • Car • Bus


Conceição de Jacareí – Mangaratiba
(21) 99767-1689 / (21) 99905-8268 (Sr. Messias Neiva)
(21) 98645-5474 (Cíntia - daughter-in-law)

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